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woolworths gift card help

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leeandjoanne | 09:33 Wed 17th Dec 2008 | Law
11 Answers
am i entitled to a refund on a gift card which i brought the 5th novemeber for a xmas present due to all this going on i have the recipet and everything


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Woolworths haven't closed yet. I wouldn't have thought you were entitled to anything until it does and even then maybe not.

Check the terms and conditions, I don't think it will mention getting a refund if the store closes.
All notices in Woolworths now say No refunds only Exchange so I would find it highly unlikely.
on the bright side you'll get more bargains for the money now, but I would use it quickly before store just close up completely
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i dont want to use it now it is for my nephew for a crimbo pressie so he can put it toward a game for his computer and if he has it at xmas and goes in the new year the store might not be there thats why i wanted a refund to get him another one at game or summint
I used a gift voucher given to me 3 years ago and there wasn't a problem. So I suggest you use it for yourself or someone else before they close down.The chance of a refund is slim.
I bought some gift vouchers in October, about six weeks before Woolworths announced they were going into administration. I was given a cash refund on 29th November.

Whether they are still doing this I don't know. You will be hard pressed to find anything to buy for yourself in the stores as no supplier has been providing goods to the group since about the beginning of November. Their shelves are now somewhat bare. You cannot use gift cards to make on line purchases, but in any case their website is currentlu "undergoing essential maintenance".
Does it say it can be used at other shops too ? I had a Woolies voucher and it could be used at B&Q and several other places. If I was you I would give him it now so he can buy something or else he might not be able to use it at all.
The link up between Woolies and B&Q ended some time ago. Woolies vouchers and giftcards are only for Woolies now.
do you have a mobile phone that needs topping up, as you can use it for that
Smiler, given the news this afternoon, do you know tonights winning lottery numbers too......
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i got a refund !!!!
good on you :o)

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