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gas checks

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lauragreen1 | 22:49 Sun 01st Feb 2009 | Law
2 Answers
i live in a private rented house and i was wondering weather on not my landlord should of done a gas check in the last 2yrs iv been here. thanks


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yes, gas safety checks must be carried out every year.

What duties does my landlord have in relation to gas safety?
Your landlord has duties under the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations 1998 to arrange maintenance by a CORGI-registered[1] installer for all pipework, appliances and flues, which they own and have provided for your use. Your landlord must also arrange for an annual gas safety check to be carried out every 12 months by a CORGI- registered installer. They must keep a record of the safety check for 2 years and i ssue a copy to each existing tenant within 28 days of the check being completed and issue a copy to any new tenants before they move in.

ref - tm
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thats great thanx

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