Fare Revenge in The AnswerBank: Jokes
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Fare Revenge

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marval | 13:51 Fri 08th May 2009 | Jokes
4 Answers
Bill catches a taxi home one evening and the cabbie charges him almost double the usual fare and when Bill complains he becomes abusive.

Bill resolves to get his revenge if he comes across this taxi driver again.
A week later Bill goes to get a cab home and notices the driver from the week before is third in the taxi rank.
He strolls up and gets in the first cab, once inside he tells the driver that he doesn't have any cash but if he takes him home he'll give him a blow job. The cab driver goes mad and kicks him out of his cab.

Bill now gets into the second cab and makes that driver the same proposition: a blow job for a lift home. The second driver also refuses and kicks him out.

So now Bill gets into the third taxi, the guy who ripped him off, and asks to be dropped a few blocks away.

As the cab drives off Bill smiles at the first two drivers and gives a big thumbs up�
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superb ! loved it
Subtle ... very subtle.
Even better-If you take me home You can give Me a Blow job.
Lol very good.

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