stabbing in The AnswerBank: Law
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Sorath | 20:51 Mon 22nd Jun 2009 | Law
6 Answers
following an argument on friday my sisters boyfriend was removed from their home by the police. On the following sunday, he returned to the house and waited for my sister to come home, when she did he stabbed her in the abdomen and the neck, the knife had to be surgically removed. thankfully my sister will be ok. he has a previous record for theft, I just basically wondered would he be charged with GBH? and if so what sort of sentence will he be given.
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As a weapon was used during an assault and it has caused injury he should be charged with GBH with intent - as for sentencing I'm not sure as I don't get involved in that. You will also have to bear in mind that the crime that is recorded for your sister may not be the same as he is charged with so he may be charged with a lesser offence depending on what evidence there is in order to get the conviction. Your sister should be able to speak to the officer dealing and they can explain this to her. Hope this helps.
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?Hi thanks for your advice, as far as I know he has been charged with gbh section 18, which is the highest level in gbh.
Why are you asking this question again? You were given answers the last time you asked it
http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/Law/Criminal/Qu estion773669.html
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what the hell are u going on about??!!! you don't have to read the posts if you don't want too!! MORON
Well you just showed your true colours!
I asked a perfectly sensible question and get called a moron.lol

In my society he would be executed. Given the state of the society that most people tacitly acquiesce in and therefore deserve, he probably won't even get a custodial sentence. Ben and Tom Cowles murdered Frank McGarahan who was trying to stop them beating up a tramp. Last Friday Mr Justice Saunders sentenced them to 7.5 and 7 years respectively for killing a good Samaritan. How sick do you want society to get? Judges must be taught some lessons - even if, as with Saunders he emphasised he was giving the maximum sentence he was allowed to. The more of us that exercise supplemental justice, the sooner judges and politicians will realise how serious they have let things get.

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