Residential Parking
we live in Cherry way Shepperton by a junction, and are fining it difficult to reverse off the drive due to a car constantly parking opposite, making us reverse towards a juction where we can not see any traffic that my be coming. Is there a rule that you should not block even for saftey reasons and I was under the impression that you must not park within a distance of a corner. Also there is a large van next door to us so we have to get between this and the car parked opposite.
I find this very frustrating when I pay my council tax and can not use my drive way in a safe manner. Also my husband works for the Environment Agency on the thames and has to bring his 4 wheel drive home, which he leave on the drive way outside our lounge window out of the way of the garage, if he was called out in the night he would end up getting someone out of bed to move.
Could you advise what if anything can be done as I have asked on various occassions for the not to block us in with NO response.