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medical ground retirement

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jairandalmaa | 13:37 Sat 04th Jul 2009 | Law
11 Answers
I am 46 have pre-post menstrual syndrome, blood pressure, injury to right ankle makes my mobility dificult to walk, itchnesses in ear, had very poor work performance and sick attendance at work. I have worked for 11 years. I have also been harrassed and unfaily treated at work. I am now on sickness since 26/01/2009. I am on depression medication citalpram 30g, blood pressure tablets. I had a OHS done in March 2009.I am not too sure will I be going back to work or will they retire me on medical ground. As my manager wants to have a meeting, inion rep and have another OHS done.


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What the heck is 'pre-post menstrual syndrome'? I am a 41 year old female and i've never heard of that one!
Why would itchiness in your ear stop you from working?
A C&P but these are the symptoms:
Stomach upsets, swelling, diarrhea or constipation
Changes in anxiety or depression or food cravings
Breast swelling and tenderness
Anxiety or depression
Fatigue and trouble sleeping
Joint or muscle pain
Stress, irritability, mood swings
Lack of concentration

Sugestions as to what causes this are limited and also readly available inforamtion is out there for you to find your own treatment. Have you had this all the time you have been working? Do you know what causes your pre-post menses?

An ohs is a pre-employment evaluation isnt it? What are they only doing one on you now or is it to assess whether you are fit for working where you do?
I wouldn't have thought any or all of the above conditions would entitle you to retirement on medical grounds

A C&P------- could anyone translate that please?

A copy and paste.
lol hc4361, I thought it was something medical duh.
With the amount of problems you have got you would be better off going to the Vet !
Lucky you're not a horse...
I went off sick on 30/10/03 with Bipolar Disorder. Because I worked as a Civil Servant the rules and procedures were set down. I had regular meetings with my line manager and I was advised that one of the following would happen:-

**I would return to work feeling better.

**I would have my employment terminated with a small lump sum being payable. This would be due to my inefficiency due to not being at work.

**I would receive medical retirement on health grounds.

Eventually I went to see an OHS doctor who, without, hesitation said that I was unfit to work in any capacity. But this was perhaps August of 2004.

It is not easy to get medical retirement on health grounds and you have to have a serious illness that is not likely to be cured. Your Union rep should be able to give you some guidance on this matter. What was the result of the OHS in March?

LOL @ C&P being a medical something; sorry thought it was well known shortening =)

I've just re-read the symptoms and realise that I have each and every one of them once a month, they are certainly becoming worse as I get older but I have never had a day off sick for them. They are all controllable with OTC medicines (over the counter) and by themselves would not entitle anyone to be retired on medical grounds
don't you just love 'post and runners'
I only know S & M,pink. I thought it was medical too.

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medical ground retirement

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