The posts and the lines are owned by the utility company that has the maintenance responsibility for the region in which you live (e.g. in Southern England it is Scottish & Southern Electricity). It is NOT anything to do with who your chosen electricity supplier is.
They are not responsible, however, for rectifying the issue.
If you have the post actually in your land, there should either be an easement written into your land title to that effect, or there will be a wayleave that the utility company holds entitling them to do it. In most cases it does not entitle you to annual sums of money, but even if it does, the sums are modest. If there is no wayleave or easement and the power does not supply you, technically you may be able to ask them to remove the post. There is a statutory process for doing this, it takes about 12 months I believe, and you will probably make yourself unpopular with the neighbours.