ABH Charges - mig and aggra -factors!!
What will happen to a person who was orginally charged with GBH section 20, the prosecution has dropped it to ABH section 47. The injuries was a minor fractured wrist, severe bruising to one arm and minor bruising to another and a cracked rib. It was in a domestic setting and in the heat of the moment produced a knife but put it down then. He admitted the injuries but not the knife. Does this mean one person's word against the other??? Or what happens here?? First offence, previous good character, admitted the injuries, co-operated fully with the police and when he was arrested was allowed to return home on bail with the only condition that he keeps the peace. His solictior found it very odd that he was allowed to retun home. His solicitor was not present when he was arrested. He thought it would make things look worse if he called a solictitor. Lost his job, a few months ago due to the recession. Will this having any bearing?? Has reconciled with his victim, the statement of complaint and another witness statement have been withdrawn. Has spoke to his GP about anger management courses. Due in court next week and we don't know what to expect and doesn't know whether to keep it in mags court or go tocrown court?? Please help????