Quizzes & Puzzles18 mins ago
Inquest information
Is the information obtained at an inquest (someones death) available to the general public? Is it available online?
You may find these helpful for UK inquests.
http://www. nationalarch ives.gov.uk/ catalogue/Rd Leaflet.asp? sLeafletID=1 75&j=1
Ca n a report of the inquest be obtained?
When the inquest has been completed a person who has a proper interest in the inquiry may apply to see the notes written by the coroner after the inquest, or may have a copy of...
08:24 Sat 05th Sep 2009
You may find these helpful for UK inquests.
Can a report of the inquest be obtained?
When the inquest has been completed a person who has a proper interest in the inquiry may apply to see the notes written by the coroner after the inquest, or may have a copy of the notes on payment of a fee. In some cases there may be a tape-recording, or transcript, of the hearing.
Can a report of the inquest be obtained?
When the inquest has been completed a person who has a proper interest in the inquiry may apply to see the notes written by the coroner after the inquest, or may have a copy of the notes on payment of a fee. In some cases there may be a tape-recording, or transcript, of the hearing.