a friend of mines stepmum is selling the family home to move into rented accommodation, does this meanthe proceeds of the sale of the house will go towards the ren of the new place?
If she is working then she can pay the rent from her wages and do what she likes with the proceeds from the sale. If she isn't then yes, she will need to pay the rent from the money she makes from selling her current home.
In order to be able to claim housing benefit you need to have less than about £16000. I'm not sure of the exact figure.
The fact that she sold a house would mean she'd have enough to pay her own rent.
the house is worth about 180k, the rented accomoda 2 bed bungalow is 750 a month, does that include all bills as well? so i guess the money from the house would last a reasonable time, my friend is concerned!
he shouldn't be thinking about it a s"his" inheritance. If the house belongs to the stepmum, she can d whatever she likes wth the proceeds of the sale, and can quite easily make a will to leave all excess money to the cat's home!!!
yes his father left it to his stepmum, so i guess the money from the sale will largely go on the rent for years to come, you don't seem very sympathetic bedknobs!!