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Paying for an inventory

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New2Quizzes | 17:36 Mon 26th Oct 2009 | Law
8 Answers
Should a prospective tenant in the private sector be required to pay (quite a large amount) for an inventory of the property to be done by the agent? Surely, it's more in the interests of the landlord to have it done - or, at least, rather more in his interest - and he should bear (or share) the cost.

Any guidance welcomed. Many thanks.


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On every private rental i have done, the landlord paid for the inventory to be done before moving in, and i (the tenant) have paid for the inventory check-out at the end of the tenancy. Seems to be common practice to do it that way. Most i have paid for the service was £92, generally has been between £75 -£85, which was deducted from my deposit.

Hope that helps.
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Thanks for that, kira000.

Any different experience others can share? Thanks.
Its in your interests as well to have an inventory done that you have agreed to, otherwise the landlord could claim you have damaged/stolen all manner of things. I've never been charged separately for it though, its always come out of the rent or service charge. What have you been quoted? Anything up to about £100 seems reasonable to me.
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Thanks to you, bushbaby_de, too. I haven't got the precise figure to hand, but it is certainly over £200. I can't help thinking that the agent (and/or the landlord) is "trying it on".

Further thoughts still appreciated.
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£212 - and decision time is approaching!

Anyone else been subjected to this?

Thanks in anticipation.
£212 seems very excessive. As other posts say, I've never paid more than £100. Could you negotiate in any way?
Your dealings are with the Agent....these are the Agents terms of tenancy - you either pay (abide by agents terms) or dont get the tenancy.
Is the price just for the inventory or does it include the agency fees, references, credit check etc as well? If it includes everything its actually not that bad.

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Paying for an inventory

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