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removing an ex

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squeel | 17:25 Fri 11th Dec 2009 | Law
64 Answers
My girlfriend is having trouble getting her ex out of the house which she owns, is there a way of doing it ?


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Brothers, uncles, cousins???
Wait until he goes out and then change the locks. Pack up his things ready to be collected on his return.

Presuming he doesn't have a tenancy agreement?
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its an ex boyfriend and he has run up debts and not paying them
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she is there, its her house
That doesn't explain much.

Do they have any legal agreement in place?

Does she have the keys?
Pack his stuff and send him on his way then...change the locks.
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no legal agreement and she has the keys
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she is worried about violence and she has an 10yr old son there, the son is not his.
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then there is the problem of him paying his debts back to her.
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Tell her to phone the police...local number..and tell them what she's doing and her fears. Make sure it's mid week.

Hasn't she got male relatives that could be there? And what about you?
If the debts are in his name then she doesn't have to worry about them. What sort of debts?
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he lived there, but they finished and said he was going in october but now he says 'a lorry wouldn't move him'
If he has debts and has given her address, there could be a problem with bailiffs etc. I would seek legal advice.
Like I said and Kunni the police. Get him removed and change the locks.
DEN...bailiffs can't touch anything that does not belong to that person regardless of the address.
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the debts are credit cards which arn't in his name which he has used, she doesn't want me involved but this is as close as i can get, unfortunatly he has used her credit cards with her knowledge?

Then that is the police. She now has 2 reasons.

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removing an ex

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