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bail conditions

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bubbly2000 | 16:38 Mon 21st Dec 2009 | Law
3 Answers
My partner was bailed unconditionally by the poice after an incident, then the magistrates bailed him unconditionally until a preliminary hearing at crown court. The crown court judge wanted to remand him but the barrister got this overturned the same day and the judge agreed to bail but has put conditions on it. A 7pm-7am curfew on tag. We have to go back to court in the new year. can this curfew be overturned too as its interferring with work schedules.


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I would imagine that if your partner can provide real evidence of this, the bail conditions might be altered.

what job does he do?
Question Author
hes self employed and is asked to do quotes in the evenings as alot of his customers work during the day. He dosen't want to tell customers about the conditions for obvious reasons so at the moment hes just saying hes fully booked until the new year, but has potentially lost alot of work. However, he is complying with the conditions and has no intention of breaking them
I can only suggest he collates the relevant info to show that he has lost potential work, a list of people who had called, perhaps. his legal rep should be able to advise him on this.

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