........... does this work? What is the best way to go about it? Is it OK to use after 2 years separation, and financial settlement already agreed legally? How long does it take? What does it cost? Any more questions???/ No, not at the moment - thank you!! TIA
Fees are listed on page 10 of this document:
(However you should read the information about fees in Leaflet D184, obtainable from my first link. Some people don't have to pay the full fees).
EK, I did mine myself about 4 years ago and it went very smoothly as we were both in agreement. it cost about £300 and took a few months, just the standard "waiting times" between forms. best of luck x
I did my divorce myself a few years ago (on the 2 years' separation), cost was minimal and it all went through smoothly. As long as you both agree, it saves paying solicitors tons of money and I didn't even have to go to court (god, I sound like that stupid woman off that advert, lol)