Neighbours (landlords) said they were replacing fence, we said fine.
Fence replaced BUT in a 3m section it is about 30cm on our land. This has resulted in : compost bin dismantled, trellis post and a trellis that was adjacent taken down, with loss of massive climbing rose, 2m shrub dug up and discarded and other stuff trampled, taken up paved adge for flower bed that was in way of new fence. I went round - landlord came to visit to look, no further response. I wrote 2 weeks ago.... disappointed no communication blah blah had at no time been asked or consented to boundary change, listed all other issues blah blah and had no response. What to do next and what exactly are my rights??? thanks
The damage was done in a space 3m x 30 cm! That is actually qiute significant. and all the stuff that was damaged was in the way of the new fence. If you include the trellis that stuck out from previous fence the length is 4m.