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how much notice to give ??

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mali | 14:23 Fri 05th Nov 2010 | Law
7 Answers
HI, i have a live in job. When i began my partner and i signed the bottom of a letter from the owner which states that they are not offering a salary or a tenancy and that we are responsible for our own gas electric and telephone. The bills are NOT in our name but on seperate meters and we just pay the owner the money when bill comes in. It also says that we must give 2 MONTHS notice either way if terms terminated. In return we do 20 hours work a week.
Is this letter legally binding ?? because we have signed the bottom of it. There were no witnesses.
If we are not employed by the owner and do not receive a we have to give notice of leaving ???
thanks for any help


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no sure if it's enforceable in law but you've entered into an agreement both verbally and by signing a document - what can possible be so horrendous you can't honour that?
16:40 Fri 05th Nov 2010
If you agreed the terms and signed and knew what you were signing and it wasn't under duress and you are not a minor, then yes I would say binding.
well i'd be struggling to think what they could do to you if you just upped and left - it's not like they could withold wages
no sure if it's enforceable in law but you've entered into an agreement both verbally and by signing a document - what can possible be so horrendous you can't honour that?
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i am currently looking for other employment. If i am offered a position i am concerned that they won't want to wait 2 months till i can start. Thats is why i want to know.
Understand the problem now and you are between a rock and a hard place at the moment. Difficult one cos unless you are completely open and honest you're going to have to bend the truth - especially with the new employer - any chance of a chat with the owner where you are now just to see if you can maybe reduce the notice time - or is there a reason for the two month's notice are doing some kind of work which will leave him/her in lurch? Don't mean to pry but it is a hard one I agree.
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work as live in caretaker/gardener/cleaner type job. They could get new people within a week if they wanted. Yes i think it will come down to negotiation. Thanks for all your help
plus don't forget, you might need that time to find a new place to live

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