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The Beckham baby girl has arrived

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craft1948 | 20:14 Sun 10th Jul 2011 | Celebrity Gossip
43 Answers
..............but no name yet. Any bets?


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Yeah Gilly - so's Romeo and it's nearly Romeo and Juliet
lmao @ DT! That's evil!!! LOL
botoxa !!!!!!!!
I think I'll go with Liberty.
....or Spudulika
lmao - the shot last night of Princess Kate on the news last night in CA meeting technologists and other Brits in LA at a reception had a pic of a short white-haired guy in conversation with her on the left, and which David B was at That is one David Pyrret CBE President of Allergan who make Botox.
congratulations to them all. I like Faye, think her sister has a daughter called Liberty.
oh well, that's my guess out - i'll need to put all my cash on Spudulika then.

or maybe Ferrari, or is that more of a boy's name??
here's a young lady called Lolo Ferrari. Doc will lose his hair....,s:0&biw=1252&bih=566
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Didn't she die DT?
I wouldn't be surprised if she had...broken spine?
If thats the girl from eurotrash,then I think she did Craft.
No DT - suicide. She was a bit of a poor soul really
well Vicky won't go for that name then.......
brill news, apparently Prince William is to be the godfather, he;s making sure he's got England seats lol
Yeah she did die....i think its gonna be felicity i heard x
Fizz Bolli or Fizz Moët then.....?

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