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Angelina has given birth

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Lakitu | 19:18 Sun 13th Jul 2008 | Celebrity Gossip
17 Answers
She's had a boy and a girl and they're called Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. Both weighed 5lbs each.

Guess it's tatties to me then :(



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Knox?? I didn't even know that was a name!
Bet he's gonna be plagued with knock knock jokes in school...
Question Author
LMAO! I didn't know that 'Apple' was a name until Gwenith and whatshissocks had their kid!
Says in the Sunday Saily Star (yeah I know!) that she'd had two girls??
Question Author
Ooooh, Channel 5 said one of each. Hang on, I'll get googling....
the Sunday Sail? Is that a boating magasine for people oooop norf? ;O)
I did mean Daily Star of course, though I do like the sounds of a Saily Star!
*smacks Max*

Shut ya gob ;-)
Question Author
Hmmm, google results are half 2 girls and half one of each, but the Boston Chronicle has a pic of her obste...obs....the baby delivery man answering jouro's Q's and said one of each....

*max stands tall with arms crossed against her chest*
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clears throat

If you two don't stop bickering, you won't get the piece of cake I've set aside for later tonight!
Yes, but one of each...what?

One baby / one monkey? One meat / one veggie?

*max gets her coat*
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Bans Max from thread for poor jokes
Yeah, but then if I'm banned, you'll never hear my sexy french accent again! Ha!
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wonders if Max realises I'm only lesbian for Jayne and French accents don't do it for me
*max walks away crying into the sunset*

I'll be back!
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OK, Arnie! LMAO!
How convenient to be able to have twins, one of each sex and both weighing the same.

Are they able to genetically engineer the type of babies rich people want in the States? It just seems very contrived.

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Angelina has given birth

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