oh and that young lad, bless him, getting a bit worked up from the build up to his proposal to his girlfriend out on the bridge in the garden, aw, how lovely :o)
I really enjoyed it as I used to be a hotel manager but, the TV company must interview/know the guest first to allow them to be filmed and must know beforehand of whats going to happen, like the couple who had been married for ages and waiting for the all clear for her husbands bowel cancer and the guy who was going to propose to his g/friend..
i thought it was very good, but how are these people who work for the hotel interviewed for the job, the one woman couldnt even speak a word of english
The scene with the lady who wanted Rye bread was hilarious and reminded of the famous 'four candles' skit.
When the Rye bread eventually became Fried bread the exasperated look on the lady's face was priceless.
That guy's girlfriend came across as such a grumpy guts I couldn't understand why he'd want to propose. Then she was the complete opposite when he did. Not sure whether it was the cameras that were making her so miserable or she'd been expecting him to propose for a while
Enyoyed the show,real life Fawlty Towers, Amos could be Manuel, agree with Uber the couple preparing to propose were quite drippy not much personality about them unless they were aware of the cameras and were shy!