Has Coronation Street gone rubbish lately? Carla suddenly becoming alcoholic, then just as suddenly drinking wine again without any hint of a problem. Carla suddenly falling in live with Peter Barlow in the space of an episode or two. Claire deciding to run abroad after assaulting Tracey, without anyone saying 'no, don't do it'. Dev (he who owns a chain of shops) suddenly being skint and desperately needing the stolen £5k. Tina, prepared to risk everything with the sham marriage for someone that she once worked with. Steve, about to spend time in Blackpool with Tracey and Amy, behind Becky's back. I know Steve's not the brightest button, but it is ridiculous. Corrie seems to be on the slippery slope and becoming more like Neighbours every episode, with shallow storylines and characters behaving completely, well, out-of-character. What do you think?
when the divorce was being discussed between Sally & Kevin & Kev's solicitor brought up the subject of Sally's infidelity at the car showrooms, where did the info come from I thought that Kevin was unaware of the fact as I do not remember the subject being discussed by Kevin or Sally. in the past.Ron.
I think that they have tightened the purse strings at Granada. That may be part of the problem. When Mary unveiled the new signage and the new name of The Kabin, I said straightaway to my OH that it would revert to 'The Kabin', because the signage looked like it had been knocked-up on a home computer.
BTW, if I get enough relevant posts on this thread, I'm going to send a copy of it to Kieran Roberts (the Exec. Prod of Corrie). With Ed's permission, of course.
oh i agree arti, it is rather rubbish these days.
ive always loved corrie, its always been heads above the rest, in my opinion,
but as of late ... hmmmmm.... its certainly gone a bit 'daft' to say the least..
(i still watch it though lol)
Agree Arti and with looby. It's getting ridiculous story lines that are not believable.
I am sick of Tracey with her 'over the top' treatment of people, no-one would tolerate that and also the sham marriage bit and the strung out business with Fiz/John/Colin, etc. Although it's a soap it is going downhill fast (still watch it!!)
Yup, agreed, it is totally unfunny lately and not enjoyable at all, it used to be quite light-hearted than the other soaps....but I would rather sleep than watch Corrie now...however I do see a 'gay' storyline happening between Tyrone and that Duckworth lad...or am i reading too much into it ?
Someday I must count up all the people who have been in prison (rightly or wrongly) for murder, or have not - or not yet - been caught. In a street of only 20 or so houses it's quite ridiculous. Corrie used to be (fairly) true to life, and it still has lots of little gems, but I get very cross with it at times.
yep, total rubbish, have stopped watching it and will maybe pick it up again when summer is over.
by the way, i like neighbours, at least the story lines move along quickly and my other half has more than a passing resemblence to dr. karl :)
I have to agree, it seems to have lost its way and a lot of the irony and comedy has gone from it with the half-baked (sometimes) story lines coming in. I still watch in the hope it might buck its ideas up but not holding my breath here.
I still watch it for the odd moments of humour - but it is so sad to see the decline of what was a British institution. I have never liked any of the other soaps, but loved Corrie. Sadly I have to agree with all the postings on this thread.
I've got to say it - "Its only a soap" its not a documentry, we all know its only fairy land and can get ridiculas at times. If they do get some facts wrong yes that does annoy, but thats down to the researchers not doing their job properly.
But I'll still watch it no matter what drivel they come up with & so will you.