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oooh corrie!

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crisgal | 21:30 Fri 27th May 2011 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers
just how bad would that smell have been?
And what state of decomposition would the body have been in after 5 months?
I don't think it's shoes would have stayed on!


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How was he planning to dispose of the corpse? I didn't see a wheely bin handy.
Just finished watching it - you would have thought that it would be bit more squishy after all this time.
it was a good story line but now its verging on the ridiculous
No, Deggers, Mad Mary straddling Norris is "Virgin on the ridiculous"
very good mike
Decomposition varies enormously depending on the immediate surrounds. Lime will reduce a body to nothing very quickly; peat will keep a body in relatively good condition for hundreds of years.
Temperature plays a part too - heat leads to rapid decomposition, coldness retards it.

I don't know what state a body would be in buried in concrete over the winter.
Mike, - R O F L M F H O!

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but it wouldn't have it's shoes on would it?
So glad I have no idea as I do not watch it.
I don't know, crisgal. Many remains are dug up hundreds of years later with shoes intact, albeit worse for wear.
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i may be obsessing alittle over the shoe thing.
I thought it was good anyway.
I know that here in Spain in the niches, it takes a good five years for the body to be just bones, they won't open a niche (walled grave) until then, and they are in coffins in a cement hole in the wall. And like Colin fishwick, they are not embalmed.

Like this (this of course is not how most of them look, most have a etched marble slab, flowers and a photo!)
Anyone else appreciate the classic one-liner last night from Tracey to Sylvia (Stephanie Cole) after an argument in the cafe about soya milk?
"If I ever put her back on cow's milk, I'll know exactly where to come!"
The carpet was in pretty good nick too - a quick zoom over with the vacuum and it'll be as good as new.
Ridiculous, but don't you just love it?
I am now drawing my pension. When I first watched Corrie I had just passed my 11+.
Have to admit Mike, I only Really started watching it during the time that Rita was abducted in Blackpool by Alan Bradley but that's still about 25 years ago is it?
I think the point is that whilst programmes come and go, people have been born and grown old with Corrie. The only one to beat it is The Archers, but not many people listen to the wireless these days.
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yes i got the one-liner. very cheeky! x

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oooh corrie!

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