As much as I dislike them, they are livenening up CBB-them in nappies last night was hilarious-but they take anything thrown at them,which is good. Anyone on AB know anyone who went to school with them? I can see them being a handful,even if seperated. They should be growing more seperate though by now surely-makes you wonder how their parents have brought them up.....
I absolutely luv Jedward and want them to win CBB and I don't care how annoying people think they are, they always make me laugh. There was a good comment from one of them the other night when Kerry was trying to tell them off by saying they would get grounded by the 'grown ups' and John (or Edward) said 'what, the one with the pink hair'. Well said!
I love watching them in BB. It`s definately not been boring with them in it. I loved it when Darryn warned them about using washing products in the swimming pool. I was waiting to see the bubbles.
I'm not sure about special needs Steve.5, it seems more like without instruction or boundaries. It could be hormonal and things may change when they eventually find themselves consumating a relationship a bit like what happened to Kevin in The Harry Enfield Show. :)
They are pathetic-trashing BB house yesterday, and now they win this task (msn ear.lier) and are safe until Final-Damn... saying that, only Kerry or Darryn are well known-its the worse house ever......why C5 bought it only to put crap people in is pathetic