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Corrie story line ?

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silka | 11:58 Fri 30th Dec 2011 | Film, Media & TV
41 Answers
The girls wedding I think was a stupid story line any body else agree ?


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Yes I agree. I find it unbelievable actually and no parent in their right mind would have given consent to two people of this age, who act like a couple of kids, getting married. And the two identical wedding dresses were totally daft.
12:02 Fri 30th Dec 2011
The thing is, 6 months down the line you'll all be aghast at the next ludicrious storyline...

Vote with your feet folks, or in this case, your pointy finger on the TV remote, switch it off, watch something else less mind numbing, you'll be grateful eventually honest, release yourselves from this TV slavery, you know you want to!

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Corrie story line ?

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