yes a male voice kept telling us exactly what was or about to happen including ricky,bianca and tiffany droping the soil on pats grave and a description of the ferris wheel in david wick's car
I did not hear it where we live in the Midlands. Sounds like it could be a track used to comment for the partially sighted but played in error in your region of the country.
Do I detect a hint of irony in the question? The only problem I though was that it should have been pouring of rain and Carols suitcase should have spilled all over the road.
Dereck is getting me anoyed. What is his problem. Is Phil going to get banged up so we need a new bad guy?
Fitting end would been an announcer anouncing as pat gone so has the whole sorry saga which has been this dreadful programme.Like the end of the bev hillibillies the cast should have came out and taken a bow .Thank you folks for kindly dropping in ect ect Bye now.