I watched it open mouthed, incredulous from beginning to end. Please tell me these kind of people (the parents I mean) are not becoming the norm for our future generations?
I just want to make one comment-to B00 re packing her child off to a remote island so she is not in contact with any of this...
Which I fully understand.
But-the only way to teach our children compassion for others is to expose them to all of life's variations-and that includes the homeless,the druggies,the dregs....not in big,deliberate doses,mind you. Just so they understand that not all are fortunate,and some need help and consideration from the rest of us.
Like I said....they have always existed. He's just gave them a platform....and we can just look at them and feel superior.
A friend of mine, lovely woman, got pregnant from a one night stand, she works, has a nice house...etc...He stuck by her....no need to go on JK!! It's not all doom and gloom.
One night stands have always happened.
When was prostitution invented? Morals haven't changed much really!!
You may have a very valid point Pasta, and I do admire people who can and do choose to help and or work with people like this (apologies smart- but this is the kindest way I can think of to describe these specimens), It's just I don't want me or mine to be associated with them.
Yes I'm aware i sound horrible, blunt, cold and unfeeling- I just can't help it.
I watched the programme last night, and felt very sorry for the way that young couple lived their lives! How very very sad all round. So pleased that their baby is now in safe hands.
I felt very sorry for them. Especially the fact that Marva seemed unable to look at people in the face. It just made me wonder what they've been through.
They can't really stop them having more children. To do that you would need a court order which would make her be fitted with a coil or the implant. This usually only happens when there is mental health issues.
Oh yes MissPrim, prospective adoptive parnts are given quite a bit of information about the babies history.
On a more general note and having watched both programmes, the two couples featured were (indicative of many I feel ) somehow seeking love from a child, in a way desperate to find what they never had themselves. Sadly this does not make them capable of the care that new infant needs, on the whole it is tragic.
Thanks for that ummmm. The girl in question obviously has mental health issues but I hope that something can be done to stop her from having more children.
Lets hope the children that this couple have had don't suffer.
No I agree, the type of mental issues that come from emotional starvation and lack of love, can only lead to feelings of lack of self worth and the feeling that the universe is against you.
Yes not mental illness as such but a turn of mind resulting from their past, one can only imagine how it feels and thank goodness I and some of us don't.
I would be interested to know what happens to a child in the care system when he or she reaches the age where they are no longer the responsibility of foster carers or childrens homes.