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Gypsy Weddings

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AB Editor | 12:21 Wed 22nd Feb 2012 | Film, Media & TV
32 Answers

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  • No - 206 votes
  • 83%
  • Yes - 42 votes
  • 17%

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It might not be racist per se, but doesn't this type of programme tend to make people think that all gypsies are like this. The vast majority (if not all) the people shown on this programme are not even gypsies,they're itinerant tinkers.
15:17 Fri 24th Feb 2012
Obviously the programme "sensationalises"Gypsy life...and the Production team are a bit naughty with the"set-ups"

But the Gypsy men,are not noted in the"Social skills Dept."

The biggest revelation imo,is that the Gypsy woman,are for the most part,
treated like Slaves.."Man"s property"..I think that Women in most of Islamic
society enjoy more "Freedoms"!
But they are 'tasteist'
Not 'racist' merely 'rubbish'
How can they possibly be racist? Just shows the subject matter for what it is.
The 17.27% who find programs like this racist do not understand what rascism is.
correct spelling - racism.

Fingers working quicker than brain.
No, as the programs are dumbed down, and the participants are of Irish/British parentage then "race" doesn't come into the equation, however culture definately does..
It might not be racist per se, but doesn't this type of programme tend to make people think that all gypsies are like this. The vast majority (if not all) the people shown on this programme are not even gypsies,they're itinerant tinkers.
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But would that be "good" television/ good for "ratings" though, 2sp, in the current climate - possibly not.
I think gypsys are becoming the new people to look down on and this program doesn't do them any favours in that respect. I would mainly agree with the statement that it's rubbish rather than racist.
With all the money spent on these massive expensive dresses, I wish they could show their men at work for a change, bringing all the money home!
And no, it isnt racist at all.
freak show
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"I think gypsys are becoming the new people to look down on"

New? nothing new about looking down on gypsies

Is the programme racist? Who cares was my first thought, but having only watched 5 mins of this utter drivel, I can only say I don't think so.

If you say true things about any race, why is it considered racist just because it isn't Politically Correct?
I don't think it's racist personally but flip-flop is the one who doesn't understand what rascism is, as the Sinti and Roma are a race on their own, that is widely acknowledged. The issue with the programme is that it's not for the main part Sinti or Roma people they're involved with, it's any old Irish traveller who does a bit of tarmacing on the sly.
I understand perfectly what racism is, which is why I am in a position to state, as a matter of fact, that the gypsy program isn't racist.
On that principle, no it's not racist, any more than a programme about Cockneys would be.
Unfortunately there are far too many people who like to see racism where none exists, and their bleatings, ironically, serve to cheapen the impact of proper racism.

Alas they are so hung up on trying to see racism where it patently doesn't exist that they miss the irony.

There are a few on this site who do this.
Fair point ojread... maybe makes it appear more ok to do so then if that makes sense.

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