Did anyone watch the first episode of The History of the British Empire wrote and presented by Jeremy Paxman, last night BBC 1?
Well I have never seen such a Left-wing view presented by an equally Left-Wing person such as Paxman, on the equally Left-Wing BBC.
When he asked one Indian person if the British were beneficial to India, the person replied "yes the British did much good" Paxman, obviously waiting for the British to be slagged off, was so surprised by such an answer that replied, "you do know you are not being political correct", don't you?
I know that many things were done, in our quest for an Empire,that we are not proud of these days, but the same could be said for all those other nation's empire quests.
What we do not need are for such persons as Paxman forever beating our backs, so as to make us continuously apologise.
Rant over, cannot wait for what he as got prepared for us in the next episodes.