He's turned anne - it transpires that while he was in captivity Brody was asked to teach Nazir's son. He did this and became very close to him until the US forces bombed the boy's school and he was killed. He was heartbroken and at the time Brody vowed to support them in taking revenge on the US but since they lied to him about having killed his friend Tom (the marine who's wanderng around in the woods on target practice) he said he wanted no more to do with them.
So they kidnapped him and reminded him of the incident with the boy and he's back on course. He's been told to take up the role he's being primed for by the government and to stand for office.
In the meantime Saul and Carrie are hunting down Tom. The FBI nearly had him but shot some Muslims who they thought were Tom. For that reason the community are in potest against the FBI for killing innocent people.
Maidup, thank you. I missed it last night and asked Mr Alba what happened. He shrugged and said 'It was the usual confusing stuff'' Forever the helpful husband :-)
Tom Walker is the sniper. Remember when someone was on the roof of that house and they said it was the perfect spot for a sniper.I don't know who the target will be yet.
The 'party' woman appeared to be eager to groom Brody for political office and there was an important call from the Vice-Pres' office (mentioned earlier by Nazir) on that topic at the end of last night's episode. Walker's task, I suspect, may be to provide an opening for further advancement (i.e. shoot the President).