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The Double Deckers

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alisa | 09:57 Sat 28th May 2005 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
As a young child I remember watching this but can't remember the names of some of the children.  I know Scooper(?) was played by Peter Firth who now plays Harry in Spooks.  Brinsley Forde, who now works in the music industry played another, but I have forgotten the character's name.  There was also a character played by Gillian Bailey(?), an American boy called Spring(?), a younger girl called Tiger played by Debbie (something) and a chubby lad called Donought, I think).  Anyone know there real names and what are they doing now?


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You can buy a DVD transfered from a VHS off-air recording from

information on the actors/characters names can be found on the Internet Movie Data Base

search for Here Comes The Double Deckers

Mr Spudqueen used to have a bit of a crush on Tiger, played by Debbie Russ
Wow Jansy .... that site is fab ! Reminded me of so much I thought I'd forgotten (but hadn't really - if that makes sense ?) Very evocative for anyone around 40.
Wasnt one of the double deckers Zoe from Emmerdale?
The black kid later joined a band called Aswad.

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The Double Deckers

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