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Downton's Lady Edith

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quizzywig | 13:38 Mon 24th Sep 2012 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers
After last night trailer, I do hope Lady Edith's wedding goes off alright. It looks a bit dodgy though - will Sir Anthony make it to church? has he had a heart attack? has he done a bunk? (I must get a life!)


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He'll be another 'friend' for Thomas..............
16:12 Mon 24th Sep 2012
That is the deal with that fella apart from being about 25 years older than her, I didn't think age mattered so much back then. Is he a fraud or something?
I think he's gay...............
Man of his age not married ( especially in those days ), crafty could well be right !
I honestly didn't think of that, you may be right crafty. Hope not though, I like Edith.
He'll be another 'friend' for Thomas..............
Lol. That Thomas is a right barsteward.
Isn't Lady Mary beautiful? She looked wonderful in her wedding dress. (I have only watched the first episode so far.)
You mean a "friend of Dorothy"
i reckon there is something else wrong with the bloke, apart from a bad hand, arm, being a complete drip and being rather too old for such a young girl, apart from that i didn't notice. x
I was going to say that maybe the Earl paid him off so as not to have Lady Edith marry him, but then Sir Anthony would have to have loaned him the money to do it with, so errr probably not!
Sir Anthony has a son so must be a widower.

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