just watched this, there's a chap, Terry, 47st, been on the ward for 2 weeks not lost an ounce, because he's cheat eating off the trolley. Doctor confronts him with the facts that it's costing £250 a day to keep him there. "How is that my problem", "overactive thyroid" every excuse in the book, sorry but am I the only one who's blood is boiling? This guy's whole life is paid for by the tax payer and he thinks it's some sort of right!
I saw a bit of this, but had to turn it off, as he was making my blood boil - he was stating that the fact the NHS was wasting £250 a day on him wasn't his problem!!! - no its mine! and the taxes that i pay. - Send him home to eat himself into an early grave and let someone who generally wants to loose weight have the bed.
Well the doctor said that he would stop it if he could but the snack trolley goes round the wards, this is just one small area of the hospital. Nothing they could do, well officially anyway!