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Corrie; Roy's Mother!!

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netibiza | 20:16 Fri 01st Feb 2013 | Film, Media & TV
31 Answers
Classic: "Warning? I'm your mother, not a tsunami !!" worthy of Blanche.


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Not in mine
But I can't stand Rita!!!
Blanches lines were classic!
I loved it when Sylvia said that Roy as a child used to hide in the chest and play with his dinkies!!
Lol'd at that one as well LL.
Lol, yes the 'playing in the chest with his dinkies' made me laugh too..

Oh and don't forget when she told Roy to :
''stop standing there with your sausage in your hand!''....
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Yes I do like Stephanie Cole. And I think she is brilll in Corrie. Some excellent lines tonight! and Gail's comeuppance, wonderful to behold, and he really does love Audrey, she was so touched at the end, awww! But why did he make all this fuss instead of just going back to Audrey, pride and all that I guess!!!
Classic Corrie lines: Tracy (just been given a job by Rob) 'he said you had the perfect opening for me' Carla: 'we have, its called the door' and Roy: 'is that you mother' - Mother: 'no its the Dalai Lama but me robes are in the wash'

Can't stand Stephanie Cole but that one made me laugh.
I agree, neti. If he loved Audrey so much why did he not go back to her instead of taking Gail's money?
Yesssss! I miss Blanche, but Sylvia could easily become as iconic.
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Also thought it was hilarious when Gail wanted some flight socks, hardly romantic was it???

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Corrie; Roy's Mother!!

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