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Bgt Impressionist

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vernonk | 20:43 Sat 20th Apr 2013 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
Now she really is talented. Don't you think?


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She's been on another show hasn't she? Something on Channel 4 maybe?
Not bad!
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What type of show has she been on Erin, and how long ago? Did she win that one?
I much preferred the two men singers from Wales, but i found their nan soooo annoying, especially when she started bowing to the judges. I found it all very over the top.
I wanted to give her a slap!
Found it! It was Very Important People she was on. Just a comedy impression/sketch show on channel 4. It was Morgana Robinson's show :-)
The Welsh singers were amazing...I had a huge lump in my throat as they sang.
The singers were okay... The younger one (who was so cute btw!) sang too much in his throat. A little vocal coaching will sort them out :)
Francine Lewis actually had a career in the 90s onwards and I thought it a bit off that she was allowed on. Who else are they going to give a shot? Dane Bowers? Sonia?

BTW how odd does Simon Cowell look?
T & S I thought that about Simon Cowell, what has he done he looks different that's for sure and IMO not good, has he had surgery done or something?

I liked the impressionist too, I guess everyone is in with a chance - ex professionals or not. I liked the singers too and as was said, with coaching the younger one especially would be brilliant.
She was OK, but the two Welsh boys were excellent. Like pasta I too had a lump in my throat.

Georgiesmum - you want to slap a pensioner !!

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Bgt Impressionist

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