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Saturday Kitchen

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woofgang | 11:32 Sat 11th May 2013 | Film, Media & TV
1103 Answers
James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!


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Well.well the minute i dont come on here you are all on!!
Oh jno poor OH I was convinced they were on thw mend. Get bettwr soon OH!!
Nice day here apart from the gale force winds and billowing clouds of yellow pollen!
Yay I have finally got hija's bedroom tv working!
My nephew was taken to hospital with low sodium levels, turns out he has an underactive thyroid like me But I didnt make such a palaver!
It must be severe if he had to go into hospital Neti .The low sodium levels combined with hypothyroidism can cause myxedema coma and affect the kidneys.Before mine was diagnosed I sometimes used to faint.
It turned wet and miserable here all day and my body aches from head to foot.On tonight's forecast it said much colder for the weekend ,minus temps again and we could get more snow .Oh deep bldy joy.
Hope your OH is comfortable Jno and feeling a bit better.
Night all.
More snow, oh dear.

OH is going to have another couple of nights in the slammer hooked up to all sorts of machines, as one night wasn't enough to get the sodium back to normal - though it does seem to have greatly reduced the wobbliness and very mild confusion. I returned home to a two-hour harangue about how I should be looking after OH (sis has never had an OH but did care for an elderly mother and thinks it's all the same thing; I don't). I think I will return to hospital duties before she gets up, I'm tired of harangues.
Morning all
Oh dear jno are you enjoying your holiday?
Oh shaney my kidneys have been affected although was written off from hospital a year ago. Back to mexico today to have blood tests to see how all my ailments are coping!
Cold again? Oh you poor things. Mind you looks a bit grey here too.
This getting old aint a lot of fun is it?
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Jno having done both its absolutely not the same. I am glad being in the slammer is helping OH though. Do try and get out in the air and get a little quiet time for yourself...You will be no good to OH if you aren't feeling ok yourself. Waves to Neti the early bird and Shaney the late bird. It was Rab's turn to lick off too much mud and have a rough night, however once he had emptied his tum he went off hunting round the garden along with his brother so I don't think there is much wrong. The shenanigans all kicked off at 3am and we have been awake since so now the dogs are settled and snoozing I think I will do the same. Stay safe everyone.


just about covers it
Hello all
Another dreary damp day.
Oh Jno you're between a rock and a hard place.I'd have blown a fuse by now if someone was constantly nagging at me like that .OH is in the best place though and quite frankly as soon as possible I'd be on the first plane home.Keep your chin up.Big wave across the seas from Norfolk.
Not much to report .Same old ,different day.I made a Weetabix cake. It's come out nice but can't eat it until it's cold ....taps fingers :)
Making loaf cakes is my latest fad ..haha.
New series of A Place to call Home starts this afternoon.I love this so looking forward to watching it with a cuppa and slice of cake .Very naughty ,but nice.
At doctors for 2 hours. Bp very high so she waited and waited and tested and tested still v high. So popped a pill and have to gave an ECG on friday. Also have to wear a sling for 2 weeks as the acro something is behaving ( which is the op I have 10 yrs ago on other shoulder) resting it may help!! And it has caused a tendon i think she said to contort which is causing the pain in neck and head so not a brain tumour then! And have a big cyst come on on wrist which i kept pressing on to no avail.
Move over jno#s OH let me share the bed!
Acro something isnt behaving I should have said.
Ooh Neti, you sound in a bad way, it's a miracle you're still alive. I hope they can fly the spare parts out to you.
I know jno can you believe it, I went into mexico feeling hale and hearty and full of the joys....... now Im a broken down old person! Are you with OH all and everyday or do you get a little chance to explore places nearby?
Woofy I love your dogs and their adventures although they are more mishaps.
Robi, Shaney hope you are ok.
Oh crikey Neti .Poor old gal. Join the club.
Too much pegging out with matching pegs has probably caused the shoulder problem . Hope you soon feel better.
I've made an appt for Mr S who's complaining of various things ,bit dizzy,still got that lump in his chest etc.I think he may have high BP so have said he must go for an MOT.
My brother came round this afternoon just as I'd plonked myself on the sofa to watch my programme. So I made him eat cake. He just wanted me to order some printer ink . He's no good with Ebay. He rambled on for an hour or so but kept to neutral subjects. No mention of family or Brexit which made a change.So all's quiet on the western front or in our case the eastern front .
Night all.
Neti has a cyst and shaney's pegging out, this sounds bad. And I am sitting in hospital because there's nothing else for miles round here except sick people, so I'm reading a murder story that was going for £0.00 on Amazon. OH has been moved to a proper gastro ward and is about to try having a shower, but that's probably going to be all the excitement for a while. OH's bp is lower each time they take it, currently 100/50, but they all say this is good.
Well, that really was exciting, OH has managed to flood half the room and is duly mortified. Showers really ought to drain properly...
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having a shower and flooding the bathroom sounds wonderfully normal though and normal is good
Morning all. Stephen Hawking has died. Lovely man.
Oh jno flooding the room? Are you in spain as in hospitala they have wet rooms which is fine for showerees but absolutely lethal for room mate who wishes to use bathroom amid waves of water. Hope OH is feeling better.
It was the bedroom that was half flooded, not just the bathroom, the water just seemed to run out under the door. Jolly embarrassing, eh what.

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