James is pulling Louis Smith's leg and he is bravely trying some fairly strange new (for him) foods. Poor soul even got food hell (squid) instead of food heaven (chicken) and then James showed him the beautifully cooked chicken and whisked it away again and made him eat the squid. What a nice young man!
Be of good cheer Jno, I can see you. Went to bed at 3 last night and up again at 7 to let dogs out and feed them. Tortoises fine and dogs have gone back to sleep. Quiet day planned. No snow here but everything frozen hard.
Hello folk. I'm as merry as Santa! Had a nice time out with hubby. But face got very red so we both knew it was time for me to come home!
Wasnt cold but is now.
Have had a lovely day. This aftednoon we all cuddled up and watched Shedlock Holmes. Well cat cuddled up to Mr N and I had sofa. Then Mr N went and got a take away curry, and He installed an oil radiator in "my" room so its pleasure get into bed now. Hope you are all warm and cosy too.
Welcome back jno.
Evening all
By christ it's cold .Minus 4 and snow starting in 114 mins according to Accu.Nice and warm indoors though.
I'm very excited Neti .Have you watched any of it yet ?
I've been very virtuous and done my Christmas cards and letters ready to post.Got writers cramp now.
Just waiting for Sainsbury's to deliver my order.
Hope you're all ok .Keep snug.
jno jnr has invited us to a chic Italian for lunch to meet his new gf. Shame there's very heavy snow plummeting down at the moment but hopefully we can find taxis.
ah, lunch is off, it was going to be in Hampstead, not too far away but neither underground nor overground trains are running, there's no parking and all cabs are booked up. That's what a quarter inch of snow in London does for you.
That's a shame Jno . No snow here after all,just wet sleety stuff.
Nice that jnr has a new lady in his life though.
Nothing doing here. Today's mystery.I have a tree and a box of things to hang on it but I can't find the lights and other bits and bobs. I thought everything was in one box but obviously not.There must be another box somewhere but I can't find it ..tut.
Love blue planet! But sometimes I need a deep breath,
Yes woofy every year becore xmaz i puf one of my old trees a d load of old decs at the rubbish bins and an houd later its gone, yss i do drive back and check, we all put good unwanted stuff there. Ive put cordless working phones, hoovers, boots etc. Its recycling!
years ago in surrey we had a skip in when we moved into a new house....it was fascinating, we'd put stuff in the skip and overnight it would change into other stuff. Eventually we finished the work and got the skip collected...I don't think that any of the stuff in it when it was collected was ours....no idea where ours went.