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How clean is your house

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hopalong | 21:41 Wed 13th Jul 2005 | Film, Media & TV
14 Answers

2 questions

How can anyone allow thier homes to get into such a state?

How can anyone let the  nation see thier homes in that state?



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I have no idea - i would be mortified if my house got in that state. I wouldnt be letting anyone see it, never mind a crew from a nationwide TV show!
Always makes me feel better about my own place though!
My husband wonders how I can bear to watch it.He goes out of the room when it's on.I have watched it before but tonight was the first time I have literally gagged ,when she had that green slime out of the fridge on her finger.I am not a housework fanatic but surely it's common sense to keep your home basically clean especially kitchen and bathroom.That toilet ! Aaaagh! Quite honestly they looked as if they needed a good wash themselves.

Surely the house etc must STINK!!! Have they got no sense of smell??!!

I would never let anyone see my house in such a state, never mind invite a TV crew round - makes me wonder if these people are for real or if they were advised six months ago to not do any cleaning!

The only way I can think of that people apply for this program is:
1) They have never watched it
2) The show places an advert in a paper saying something like �No time to clean? Have your home cleaned for free�
The first part of the program is always filmed without the occupants, so they don�t hear the comments made on their house. And by the time they are involved, it�s gone to far to back out�

I�m ashamed to say I know somebody with a house nearly as bad as the ones they show. He lives on his own and just doesn�t see the problem.

..I felt sorry for the kids, can you imagine the hell they go through at school...AND she made her daughter dress up like Kim (or is it Aggie ) in a sad attempt at humour..poor kid , that tantamount to child abuse...
Quite right.They looked undernourished to me.
How they could let them sleep in those filthy mouldy bedrooms is beyond me and one of the boys had asthma.

1. They have more important things to do.

2. The money they get paid for the TV show allows them to carry on doing these important things.

Well the only important ( to them )thing they seemed to be doing was boozing it up in the pub while the poor kids lived in squalor.It's not as if she was a working Mum either.She had all day to keep the place clean.

What WE have to remember is, this is NORMAL to quite a large percentage of the population(truthfully).If I went to someone's house,as they are in Aggie and Kim's Programme,I would never go again; nor would they be invited to mine.So they would never realise how bad they were!Some people(most in these programmes) let it get out of hand ,and then cannot get back on top and give up.A lot of these people have inherited this attitude from their parents,they were brought up in a "dirty" house and so do not think it odd,OR, they had everything done for them by their parents and don't know how/want to do it(the smaller percentage).I have friends in London almost as bad as this,and they keep inviting me for Sunday Lunch,I don't go.I did once, and another friend asked me if I was worried, and I said "No, there is so much mould in the kitchen,that there must be enough penicillin floating about to keep you innoculated !" Regarding the smell point,after a while I don't think they smell it.When I first went to Venice it stunk,but after the 2nd and 3rd Days there was no smell(to me!)

Someone said,surely it's Common Sense,I regret to say that lots of people(not just these ones) have NO Common Sense when it comes to cleaning(or bodily hygiene) etc.

Thank God for the Sainted Kim and Aggie,perhaps when other "dirties" see this on TV they will get their act together? Or is that a futile hope!

Yuck, this programme last night was horrid!  I just don't know how anyone can live like's beyond me.  Yucky Yucky Yucky...that's all I have to say.

They have the mentality as those who appear on Trisha, Springer etc

nfn is right,I suppose these people are really sort of media voyeur(in reverse) and they want their 15 minutes of fame!
Thank You Andy Warhol!

Now just where did I put that smee.tracey? LOL

In the cupboard under the stairs

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How clean is your house

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