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The Dome

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misto | 21:38 Mon 19th Aug 2013 | Film, Media & TV
11 Answers

Does anyone remember a similar series where people were entrapped in an area
and were unable to conntact the outside world


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Big Brother.
The only thing that comes to mind is The Prisoner . Is that what you meant?
I'm giving it a try. It could be quite good.
it's getting more complicated as they unveil the story, wish i'd read the book now, i did get it when it came out but i think i gave it away.

i did find some of it familiar, wasn't it the one with the train going into the tunnel?
I to am watching King/Spielberg has to be worth a go
enjoying it so far.
Palace of Westminster ?
Was the one with the train in the tunnel called 'The Last Train'? Really enjoyed that.
My answer was a bit brief! Blame the Chardonnay. I haven't seen The Dome but the fabulous "Lost" series involved a group of people apparently marooned on an island with no way f contacting the outside world.
The Simpsons Movie.

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The Dome

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