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Lola83 | 16:21 Sun 22nd Sep 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
14 Answers
Example. Children slip. Kids skip
Horse paces renounce. Canter recant

Outpost urchin. ?? ??
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don't know if I understand this properly but here is my suggested answer for example
outpost=camps then that reversed for Urchin= scamp
n your example, should it be "Kids Skid?
frugalfred I read that as skid, I already said today my eyes are playing tricks.
ine too, katburd - macular degeneration in the right eye. Relying almost entirely on the left one.
oh! frugalfred sorry you have that condition,thank goodness you see enough to read all these clues, as you are quick and good at the solving on this site.
Hi. katburd - I take Lutein daily, it's supposed to halt the spread of AMD on the retina, and it's only marginally worsened over the last 2 years. Central vision in that eye is hazy. However, my brain is still pretty good.
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Sorry yes should say skid
Hi lola83, was camps and scamp any good as an answer or are you still looking for the answer.
scamp/camps looks good if the clue says 'outposts'
Frugalfred, i know someone who swears by i-caps for macular degeneration
I suppose we will have to see if Lola83 comes back to let us know, thanks anyway factor-fiction.
Question Author
Thank you camps and scamp good for me
ok Lola83, thanks for your reply.

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