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Corrie's Barry

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elliemay1 | 10:44 Sat 12th Oct 2013 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
Must be the worst 'stage oirish' accent ever. Dreadful! Not typical of Corrie's usual high standard.


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Agree elliemay he does come across as overacting and to just arrive out of the blue, bet he will get a job in the Rovers when Steve etc takes over or hopefully he will make up with wife and get the next boat back to Ireland.
15:33 Sat 12th Oct 2013
Ha! He is played by Frank Grimes who was born in Dublin and played the great Brendan Behan on stage.

Not all Irish people have a Belfast accent.
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That's me told! I live in Ireland so I am quite au fait with the wide range of accents, just think this one is over the top.
He talks like that all the toime, donchooo know
I'm Irish born and bred and couldn't agree more elliemay1, Barry's accent is too much for me, it takes away from any scene he's involved in - he couldn't be more Oirish if he had a leprechaun sat on his shoulder! Mind you I also thought Charlie Lawson's (Jim Macdonald) Belfast accent was OTT too, so it was ;-)
Who's Barry?
Barry's accent is authentic as he is Irish he does emphasis it quite a lot though. How did he know Michelle and Steve were living in the flat he took a chance arriving unannounced but I suppose someone in the street would have put him up as they all have loads of extra space.
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His accent may be authentic but there's something about the character which doesn't ring true. He's not believable. You just know that he is acting! Agree with april that he takes away from every scene that he is in.
Agree elliemay he does come across as overacting and to just arrive out of the blue, bet he will get a job in the Rovers when Steve etc takes over or hopefully he will make up with wife and get the next boat back to Ireland.
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Next boat back to Ireland sounds good!

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