Have just watched it,dont know what to think.Do people really live and behave like that. I have not led a sheltered life but Oh dear, I can't believe it.
I'm afraid there are a small minority of society that do live like that.
Although I think a lot of them were playing it up for the cameras.
Have you ever seem a programme called 'The Scheme' shown a few years back about life on the Onthank estate in Kilmarnock in Scotland.
Similar type of documentary programme.
From what i read in various papers, Channel 4 gave the residents of the street booze, fags and fast food takeaways in lieu of cash payment which, obviously, would have affected their benefits.
Actually I am watching it now and if I was the Romanians featured in this programme I would probably need to be smashed off my face to stop my self slitting my wrists. Have you actually looked at how they are living?
Why? They aren't claiming anything. They have rubbish jobs on rubbish money and aren't claiming anything. Bet you and 99.99% of the people on here have never slept on an unmade mattress, in the front room with countless others. They looked so desperate. However, some of the others (the British participants of whatever colour) are feckless. BUT not all people on benefits are like the vast majority of people portrayed in this programme. It's just an excuse to whip up some armchair fury.
//If Theyre fit to lift full bin bags to barricade the street, theyre fit to work //
Couldn't help wondering why when they shifted all that rubbish to the middle of the road, they didn't just put it into bin bags so that it was tidy for the council lorry to collect.
Since the scrap metal and travellers in the park segments weren't developed at all I guess they're being held back or fireworks next time.
Maybe skinny, shouty black burd whose bottle crashes when face to face will lead a charge and sort them all out.