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Death In Paradise

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hellywelly4 | 23:08 Tue 14th Jan 2014 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Loved it - I had got rather irritated with Ben Miller wearing a suit, so hadn't watched it for a while. It came up really nice and fresh.


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Utter utter utter utter utter utter garbage. Sorry.
Great recovery after falling through the window!
We loved Ben Miller & thought he couldn't be replaced but Kris Marshall will do very well - really liked him.
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Isn't it strange how our opinions vary so much.
I quite like it and don't mind the new bloke (big step up for him from telephone adverts). Thought the announcer spoilt things though when he said '... And DI Poole drinks his last cup of tea ...'
I liked it, and Kris Marshall, thought he was brilliant in My Family and also in Love Actually.
Helen Baxendale's not as fit as she was is she? Still......
I've heard she says the same about you ;)
I liked it too. I'm sure Kris Marshall will fill Ben Miller's shoes very nicely.
Is it a sequel or a repeat?
No douglas - new series of Death in Paradis with Kris Marshall taking over as Inspector from Ben Miller. Highly recommended.
Cheers quizzywig. :)

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