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ferlew | 22:13 Tue 21st Jan 2014 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
Who is the American nonentity who thinks he knows it all ?


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Anthony Bourdain.....I love him! :)
I think he's fantastic.
Anthony Bourdain. He does foodie travel shows on TV in the US. He comes across as less gobby on his travel shows though.
He is a chef though. Chefs tend to be gobby, it's part of the job.
Oi! lol xx
Gobby in the kitchen that is.
Male chefs tend to gobby. Female chefs are always lovely and sweet :-)
Grazie! lol x
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He just seems so big headed,
I haven`t watched him on the UK version but on the US version, he seemed to enjoy winding up the little French guy. I like his travel shows though because he`s not a pretentious cook and usually ends up getting stuck into a few beers.
He does the same on the UKversion 237!lol

His shows are fab, I'm not sure they still show them in the UK though :(
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Marmite Butter !!!!!!!
Who the flippy flop thought up THAT one?

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