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Guess What's Wrong With This Story!

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sp1814 | 23:15 Tue 04th Feb 2014 | Film, Media & TV
17 Answers


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wasn't nijinsky male so could not be a ballerina.
That's it. ^
I didn't want the popcorn, anyway
Nijinsky won the Derby in 1970.
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True, and I didn't spot that. However, the way I read it, the story was inspired by the meeting with Nijinsky, rather than the character being based on him.

No, the mistake is a lot more obvious than that!
LOL @ wharton :-)
The picture accompanying the article isn't Chaplin.
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And I will extend the offer to a bag of Malteezers instead of popcorn if needs be.
Love Maltesers.
LOL, the latest comments in the blog at the bottom of the article give it away....
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You may claim your prize.

It's not Chaplin, it's Robert Downey Jnr!
Yummy, will share them round.
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Blimey...someone's on the ball over at the Daily Mail.

They've changed the picture!!!
I prefer sticky toffee popcorn anyway!
surely chaplin wrote the book in english so it didn't need to be translated.
bu***r. i just fancied some popcorn.
I remember the Financial Times arts pages once published a photo of Hitler that turned out to be Alec Guinness. Pink faces all round.
If you are talking about the photo of Robert Downey Jr. I suspect the Daily Mail have corrected it.

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