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The Scariest Film Ever? Looking For Rarer Suggestions

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deejaybenj | 17:18 Sun 03rd Aug 2014 | Film, Media & TV
51 Answers
Any suggestions for rarer scary films. I am not thinking the obvious choices like 'The Shining', 'The Exorcist' or newer ones like 'The Conjuring'.

Any very obscure, forgotten gems?


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Got to agree with ' The Haunting'.
Psycho, one of my favourite films still scary, and every time you watch it you see something different!
'Its Alive 1974 really scary then, probably laughable now, but after seeing that I wouldn't go to the loo in the middle of the night for over a month lol!
The Stepford wives
The Ring was very scary. That girl, coming out of the tele!
When I was a child visiting relatives in the USA I was taken to a drive in movie to see a 3D film called The Creature from the Black Lagoon. It scared the bejeebers out of me and I have never watched a scary film since.......give me Mary Poppins pls lol.
Needless to say it was entirely inappropriate for my age at the time.
The Sound of Music !. All those creepy kids - scares the bejeesus out of me.
The Premature Burial with Ray Milland. It was in the early 60s. I saw it in the cinema at the same time that the Cuban missile crisis was going on. A VERY scary time for all of us living through that at the time. Seems silly now I know , but back then?... OMG!!!
Come on people - go back, way way back, way back, way way way, way way back to 1971. The very uncouth - Let's Scare Jessica To Death.
Jan if thy wants it I can send it you - Let's scare Jessica to death

All through my youth, the Beeb would run old classic 1930s horror flicks and Hammer films, during the summer holidays, for some reason. I remember that one in particular.

Another which claustrophobes will hate is "Johnny Got His Gun" but that was more of an anti-war film, at the time.

Needless to say, the trapped Chilean miners story gave me the heebie-jeebies for 6 months…
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Many horror films cop out with an "it's all going to be alright" ending. The Fly was a noteable exception. Unsettling to the little uns, I'd imagine.

Another with a bleak ending (a sense of more unknown dread to come) is The Incredible Shrinking Man. A bit tame, by today's standards, though.
The original Nosferatu (1922).
Lol @ Jan - 'The Sound of Music' for best answer ;o)
Oooh The devil rides out absolutley terrified me , still does.
Salem's Lot, also Jeepers Creepers
if you want claustrophobia, and no happy ending, go for The Vanishing ( the original, not the US remake)
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The film that scared me the most was The Woman in Black, but not the big screen version (which I thought was rubbish), but the TV version which first appeared a few years ago. I keep hoping it will be shown again, very scary.

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