I love Silent Witness, even though it stretches your credibility at times. I didn't like that pathetic Child Protection woman though. Could've slapped her.
"Thought it a bit far fetched, to think the young girl stabbed the bloke abusing her, and the trail of blood."
So you didn't think it far fetched that a team of forensic pathologists/scientists/whatever get to accompany the police in door to door enquiries, take DNA from suspects, get to interrogate suspects, take part in missing person police searches, etc, etc, etc?
They did say it was the grandfather at some point near the end, after they'd figured out who had killed him (the grandfather). Was losing the plot myself a bit by then
The police said the young girl had killed the abuser in the park, and how come grandad ended up in the cab, when his grandson was in there threatening the driver?
I heard what'sherface (the female lead) being interviewed on the Chris Evans show on radio 2 a couple of weeks back and she said that a certain amount of 'poetic licence' had been employed in the writing of the stories. Methinks that licence should be revoked, forthwith! (If not sooner). Much better when the team were trying to solve just who sat in which seat in the train crash (a memorable episode).