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Dads Army, The Movie

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piggynose | 12:49 Sat 31st Jan 2015 | Film, Media & TV
22 Answers
is this a good idea? how are they going to find another captain mannering? surely it wont be the same or even close.


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I think it's difficult, but good on them for trying
Mainwairing, Mainwaring!

Personally, I think it'll be different - it's got an excellent cast.
"Don't panic, don't panic !" It may not be as awful as expected.
It may be OK, an excellent cast. They're filming it up around Bridlington and someone posted a short, long-distance video (taken from the cliffs) of a scene where Mainwaring carries Catherine Zeta-Jones out of the sea. Fuzzy, but the stumbles and drenchings were not planned and I had to laugh.
^^^ PS Ian Lavender is playing some sort of General or Colonel!
It shouldn't be too difficult to improve on the TV series.
NOOOO Talbot... the originals were BRILLIANT, this will be different though
Ian Lavender plays a Brig, which ranks below a colonel or general. (Brig Pritchard)
^ actually a Brigadier is above a Colonel, marshy
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lets face it, the originally dads army was cheesy, in a good sense. how the heck are they going to recreate that?
I hope it's better than the disastrous attempt by the Gold channel to redo Yes Minister.
I can't really see the point of doing this but I'm sure it will be great :-)
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you are kidding ich?
Arthur Lowe wasn't the first choice actor as Captain Mainwaring anyway. The part was written for Jon Pertwee. I suspect that Toby Jones might carry off the role rather well:

However, in such an ensemble piece as Dad's Army, it's important that all of the roles are filled well. In the recent radio recreations of the missing episodes of Hancock's Half Hour, Kevin McNally was superb as Hancock but the other roles weren't filled as well, resulting in sitcoms which weren't quite up to the original standard. Let's hope that the new version of Dad's Army doesn't fall down for similar reasons (although the original movie version, rather than the TV shows, wasn't that great either).
I'm with Boxy has an excellent cast and should, by all rights, be a corker !
I'm not kidding about the resurrecting of Yes Minister (or yes Prime Minister)
I wish I was
I expect they are hoping a large number of the audience won't remember the originals. If I'm honest I don't think I watched more than a couple of episodes because a parent did, it finished in the early 70s didn't it?
Dad's Army finished in 1978. I don't think it was "cheesy". That's unfair: it was an acutely well-observed comedy. Nonetheless the characters are so closely associated with the actors who played them that I think it will be almost impossible to recreate. Maybe they won't try, and that isn't the point.
1977 it finished I see having checked
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I haven't seen the film but I like Bill Nighy very much and I think he's the perfect actor to play Sgt. Wilson.

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