If I was going to speak for anyone I wouldn't put 'I'm sure' before it. I should of said 'I believe' instead. I wasn't aware I'm not allowed to mention other people.
The people who go on there who take a friend or family to get back £500.00 or £3,000.00, must be looking for their 15 minutes of fame, as I said in my original post, some of them go back 5 years.
And to take your Mother, Father, sister or brother on there, Why would you do that?
@carolgif, you were great to clarify the difference for me between the judge and criminal barrister - I was confused about that, I apologise for delay in reply, he's on now and I remembered I had been on a thread regarding him, came back to see was there more replies and there you are, right under my answer, I find him hilarious.