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cupid04 | 13:34 Sun 31st May 2015 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers
BBC2 have been doing reruns of the above. I forgot to record Fridays episode of their wedding and cannot find it listed on BBCI player. Is there some kind soul that could send me the link if possible. Thank you.


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Sorry but I think that you're out of luck.

It looks like the BBC doesn't hold the internet rights to the series (probably because such rights didn't even exist when the original contracts were drawn up) and is therefore unable to show it via iPlayer:
this one?
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Thanks for trying Buenchio. Looks like I'll have to fork out dosh if I want to see it ;0(
It's on youtube hope this works Media URL:
Oops beaten to it.
^^^It looks like I should have tried searching Youtube directly (rather than just getting Google to do it for me)!

Well done, Quoi!
Question Author
Thank you Quoi and Robina.

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