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Anyone Watching 'black Work'

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Retrochic | 09:01 Thu 25th Jun 2015 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers
I've watched the first one but its very disappointing. The story line is patchy and in some places unbelievable , even Sheridan Smith does not seem to be at her best -hope it gets better


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I found it very entertaining but can't critique It until the whole story is told Very good so far
My money is on her "Boyfriend" being the killer.
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Everhelpful -my thoughts exactly, I hope not though, as that would be totally predictable and spoil it! I hope it will be like Inspector George Gently and keep you guessing right up to the end!
I am thoroughly enjoying it
Not much hope in them finding the killer if they couldn't find those CDs during the house search
Wonder if she'll get promoted to DC when she inevitably solves the case?
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Panky yes this is what I mean by patchy and unbelievable. She would not have been allowed near the crime scene nor would she have got as far as the incident room -then to have her house searched by three officers and these CD's to be under a towel in the airing cupboard? Maybe I was expecting too much and will watch the next episode before dismissing it all together.
Enjoyed it thought it was bit different from the usual cop stories and Sheridan Smith is good in it agree about the tapes being undiscovered but maybe that was deliberate as it is "undercover"!
We use the towels in our airing cupboard everyday, so why didn't she find them ! Perhaps a plant ?
I am enjoying it though
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ooo mazie you may have something there -we saw the hubby put an envelope into the airing cupboard the night of his murder -but did not see what was in it. The envelope discovered by the child looking for a fresh towel could have been replaced with different contents by one of the officers when they 'searched ' the place.
I'm enjoying it . Is the child the same girl who was in the series about the beginnings of Chester zoo? She is very good.
That's her, helly. She is fab and she is one of the new family in Benidorm next series.
That's one programme I WON'T be watching.
Oh. My favourite actors will be in it, Julie Graham will be playing the girl's mother (the girl is Honor Kneafsey),
Retrochic; if the husband bugged the car, and we saw him put an envelope in the airing cupboard, what makes you believe contents were switched? Thought i'd follwed that first episode very closely but you've got me self doubting, now:-(
If a new envelope wasn't planted, then it doesn't say a lot for the police search! So I think the culprit is a member of the force involved in the search, but not the boyfriend, that would be far too obvious. Intriguing drama. I enjoyed it.
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I think the boyfriend was bugging the car.
I think there are going to be a few twists and turns in this one folks :o)
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oh I hope so Mazie -i was thinking about not watching the next episode but now I can't wait! lol!

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