Watching a recording today. Two of the cowards took £300. One took £30000,
One lost. The final meant they got nothing. Why do they go for the minus? I hate it. I shout at the TV!
Sometimes they are advised to take the lower offer, but those who take it hoping to return to their seats are simply acting like parasites, and their pathetic excuse is that they will be required in the final. I have always been of the belief that if they win the final, each person should get what he contributed. They call it a team game - what rubbish.
perhaps we should get a team of ringers up - i`m no good on football or soaps anybody good on those. If I got a decent score on the first round without turning into a gibbering wreck I`d probably go for the big one.
Hi have personal rules about who I support on this show. I support the chaser unless 1) At least 1 of them takes the big amount. 2)None of them take the lower amount.